Jumat, 12 Juni 2009
disaster of june
ya sebulan bencana terus . sampai gak terurus blog ini .sampai skr belum ada tanbda reda. aku mohon doa restu smuanya.
Kamis, 12 Maret 2009
tidak punya nama belakang di paypal
kemarin aku mencoba untuk menghapus nama belakang samaran pada pendaftaran paypal dulu. ternyata di tolak. tapi dalam email disarankan kalau tidak punya nama belakang maka bisa diisi titik atau koma dan supaya data kita sesuai nantinya dengan rekening di bank maka pada petugas banknya di suruh untuk nama belakang diisi titik juga. sehingga ada kesamaan data antara di paypal dan bank lokal. kalau tidak ada persamaan data maka uang tidak bisa dicairkan. ya ternyata memang benar, kalaupun ada kesungguhan tidak punya nama belakang dunia belum kiamat. masih banyak jalan.
uang LKS
saya sungguh heran, dulu saat saya baca kitab cara para salafus shaleh mencari ilmu, antara guru dan murid itu harus sama- sama menjaga diri dari memakan makanan yang haram dan subhat. ternyata di indonesia aku sangat heran, makin besar gaji mereka samakin merajalela makan makanan haram dan subhat. aku tidak menuduh semua orang. tapi ini apa yang saya lihat di lingkungan sekitar saya. sebagai contoh adalah ini.
uang LKS!
perhitungan harga ke anak murid adalah sebagai berikut
uang LKS!
perhitungan harga ke anak murid adalah sebagai berikut
- biaya produksi
- biaya pemasaran
- biaya komisi proyek ke sekolah
- biaya kepala sekolah
- biaya guru pelajaran
- dijumlah smua yang ada diatas jadi HPP
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
love and healt
Everithings is unpredictable,love family is need a sacrifice.Any work will be done as long as it can help and guaranteed our family in good life. Life is full oportunity cost. Some of our job is gonna make us got disease. Someday we have got disease, if it not too heavy for our family, we may not be confusing more than just for thinking our disease. We went to the doctor and finally not in longer time we will recover again.When it's all going smoothly. That will be happen if the disease not too bad or it may be that the doctors is expert. Some times, that all will not be happen so easy as we imagine. One thing that often happens if we got disease and we not go to the doctors that expert in their job."Malpractice". When it’s all happens, Everything will surely be more complicated!
Suffered of the disease worsened and everything like impossible in our lives. See the sad faces of the members of the family is suffering thing. Malpractice often happens when diagnosed not correctly, and when something bad happens to our self only denial certainty that we will be accepted from the doctors. It is not characteristic of an expert, like to deny, not learn from mistakes that their made.what will we do with people like that person? Lets talk to them with the language of law.lets the other doctors learn from our case. In future do not makes same mistake, not only that we want, to be cure from the desease is immportance too.
it's painfull to read the newspaper every day and there is always the case of malpractice to be head line and the problem not resolved in a long time.
Suffered of the disease worsened and everything like impossible in our lives. See the sad faces of the members of the family is suffering thing. Malpractice often happens when diagnosed not correctly, and when something bad happens to our self only denial certainty that we will be accepted from the doctors. It is not characteristic of an expert, like to deny, not learn from mistakes that their made.what will we do with people like that person? Lets talk to them with the language of law.lets the other doctors learn from our case. In future do not makes same mistake, not only that we want, to be cure from the desease is immportance too.
it's painfull to read the newspaper every day and there is always the case of malpractice to be head line and the problem not resolved in a long time.
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